Monday, September 11, 2006

Still biking

OK, he likes it. Today is Monday. Friday we biked to school just as it started to rain. Mateo got into school just as it started to come down. I got soaked as I returned home. Later in the afternoon the skies looked ominous again so I picked him up with the car. He wasn't thrilled but it had to be.

This morning it was just 3 degrees outside but he wanted to bike again. He even put on his 'working' gloves! So off we went. We had to take a shortcut through the park and he recognized the signs at the entrance (no bikes allowed) but I explained we were very late, there was no one in the park, and as long as we rode respectfully it would be alright. There is a steep hill exiting the park and he took it without hesitation. Then we continued down the road to the school.

It's still sunny out so we will be biking home also.

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