Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weekend at Omi's house

Momma and Poppa had a wedding to go to on Saturday so Mikah and I got to stay at Omi's house for the weekend. Wooooohooooo, paaaaarrrrrtyyyyy!! We had a great time. The neighbours had a garage sale and Danny, their son, gave us some cool toys he doesn't play with anymore. He's 9 years old but he still played with us and had a good time. The next day Calvin came over and we played with him all day. He sure is happy when he sees Mikah and me. Mikah took his nap without using his su-su so maybe he won't be using it anymore. When Momma and Poppa came to pick us up we all went to Calvin's house so that Mikah and me could play with his cats. We didn't stay very long though because it was close to supper time and we had a long drive home. Then we were tired and cranky and the wheels just kinda fell off the cart along the way.

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